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Friday 24 May 2013

Sleeping postures and body pain.

Each one of us would like to know how to sleep well so that we get up well-rested. A number of factors are involved in how to sleep well. One of the factors is our sleep posture. We all have a typical sleep posture and we feel comfortable when we sleep in that sleep posture. We are aware that there are implications of our sleep posture from a physical health point of view.
Most of the ladies today who work in Software Company have the common problem of back pain. Obviously we all know it’s because of the sedentary work we practice.

Sometimes the only reason we are facing the pain in back, shoulders, neck, thighs is just because of the incorrect sleeping position we tend to sleep in for 6-8 hours of sleep.
So if we mend it a bit we can actually make a lot more of the remaining 16-18 hours of the day we have. And most importantly not make awful faces in the beginning of the day.
I am grounding this article on well known researches and few doctors advice I have come across.
Firstly try and remember the last position you had slept in… and do you remain in the same position till morning. If not, we can give a try to mend the later postures but at least how we sleep in the first place is totally under our control.

Sleeping on your stomach. 
Avoid sleeping on your stomach, experts’ advice people with this condition. Turning the neck to the side compresses the joints. Harmful to sleep on his stomach and chest, which is compressed during sleep and after a while the deposition of the lines, from which it is difficult to get rid of the skin is stretched.
If want to keep your face fresh, something to sleep on your stomach is not right because you have crushes on your face,  formed at first light, then deeper wrinkles.
You are about to cause some severe health issues. If you don’t believe me, try walking around with your head turned to one side. It won’t take long for you to begin feeling pain, soreness, dizziness or neck/shoulder tension. Your body doesn’t like this standing up, and I promise you that it doesn’t like it when you’re lying face down with your head on a pillow either.
The fact is, wrenching your head and neck in this way for even just a few minutes while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Repeatedly doing so every night for years slowly adds pressure to the joints and nerves, contributing to spinal degeneration and allowing for the development of a variety of health problems.
While sleeping on your stomach may feel good and seem perfectly acceptable but it’s a bad habit and needs to be stopped ASAP.
Do not sleep on your back unless you have spinal problems already.

Sleeping on your side
Avoid sleeping on the side with the painful shoulder. Sleep on your back with a small pillow to support the bad shoulder. Or, if you sleep on the other side, hug a pillow.
Also, if the neck isn't adequately supported, you could get compression of the nerves that go from the neck to the arm. That's when you can get numbness or tingling, usually with the compression of a nerve from the sleeping position.
Back Pain
The most common sleeping position is on your side, with your legs and hips aligned and flexed. Because this position leaves your upper leg unsupported, the top knee and thigh tend to slide forward and rest on the mattress, rotating the lower spine. This slight rotation may contribute to back or hip pain. To prevent that problem, place a pillow between your knees and thighs.
Sleeping on your side can help this condition, commonly known as heartburn. Back sleeping can pose problems because the head isn't elevated relative to the stomach so gastric contents can bubble up to the esophagus or back of the throat.
Sleeping on your back
The rule of thumb for many back problems is that sleeping on the back is the most comfortable. Keep a neutral position, with your spine aligned as if standing straight. Avoid flexing forward, for instance, by sinking into a mattress that is too soft, or bending backward,
Another solution is to prop up your head with pillows or to raise the head of the bed by two to four inches by placing bricks or large books under the front legs of the bed.

Pregnancy sleeping.
Sleeping on your side is best while you're pregnant. In particular, sleeping on your left side may benefit your baby by improving blood flow . It also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.
Avoid sleeping on back when you are pregnant. When you're sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus lies on the spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. This can lead to muscle aches and pains and problems in circulation, which is uncomfortable for you and can reduce circulation to your baby.
And sleeping on your stomach is totally out of question.

So what is the best position to sleep in?

The Best: Back position – WINNER..!!!!

Good for: Preventing neck and back pain, reducing acid reflux, minimizing wrinkles, maintaining perky breasts. ;)

Bad for: Snoring –minimal side effect you can have.

 Sleeping on your back makes it easy for your head, neck, and spine to maintain a neutral position. You're not forcing any extra curves into your spine.

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